
on remembering a friend

On February 26, 2006, my friend Mike Dixon passed away.

It's been just over 5 years now since he died. And today I had this twinge of something, maybe forgetfulness. Like I had forgot something. Then I remembered what it was, a sober anniversary of sorts.

Now, I don't go to the cemetery to mark his passing, I go on the birthday we shared. Sure it's weird, but I don't give a shit how you feel about it... it's what I do. Grieve, mourn, remember how you want.

So I kind of forgot all about it this year, the day he passed. Never really gave it much thought... until today. I'm trying to be a better friend... but life sort of gets in the way sometimes. You get sidetracked and lose your focus on the details.

So maybe, it's good to have had the day sort of slip by, it's a sign of healing, a return to normalcy... whatever that is. Still miss him though, five years on.


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